Your own power rises from the Solar Plexus chakra, there lies your self-esteem, it is the home of the ego. This chakra develops between 18 months and 4 years of age and it is located in the diaphragm area. Its area of influence in the body includes the central nervous system, pancreas, liver, skin and digestive tract.
You can find a chakra table in my previous post. It describes basic information of all 7 chakras: Chakrat – Finding My Own Power – Oman voimani löytäminen
When the solar plexus chakra is balanced, you are confident, ambitious, joyful, relaxed and have an optimistic view on life. The solar plexus is your power center. When it is balanced, you are in your own power, you know what you want and actively reach out for it. You are energetic, eager and get things done.
When the solar plexus is blocked, you may feel powerless, you might have low self-esteem, you may be over-analytical, and you may be pessimistic about life. It feels like you can’t get anything done, you don’t really get excited about anything, you might feel lazy.
When his chakra is overactive, you can be hungry for power, dominant, critical and perfectionist.
By taking care of your self-confidence, you are taking care of the solar plexus chakra. Doing things in which you are good at and praising yourself in your mind is good for this chakra. If (and when) you sometimes fail, don’t focus on the mistake itself, but think about what you can learn from your mistake. How can you develop yourself as a result. Rejoice, relax, look for positive things in your life. This can be difficult at first, but start with the little things, you will learn!
Fire is an element of the solar plexus, burn candles, light a fire in a fireplace or campfire and enjoy its warmth.
Here are a few meditations you can try:
In finnish:
- Ohjattu meditaatio – Solar plexus – YouTube
- Meditaatioharjoitus vahvistamaan itsetuntoa – YouTube
- Matka omaan voimaan -meditaatio – YouTube
In english:
- Solar Plexus Chakra Healing Guided Meditation | Healing Camp #3 – YouTube
- Meditation for Self-Esteem (Guided Mindfulness) – YouTube
- Guided Meditation Reclaim The Power Within. Tribute to Robin Williams – YouTube
Get your body moving
The Solar Plexus chakra likes movement. Find the right sport for you that moves your body and which brings you good vibes. However, remember to be gentle with yourself and enjoy the exercise. When the sun is shining, go for a walk, you get a double treatment for your chakra, it likes warmth and movement.
As the name of my blog suggests, I’m looking for my own power. I have already made a lot of progress on my journey, but it is still sometimes difficult to stay in my own power. For me, staying in my own power means that I take care of myself both physically and mentally; I love myself, I do things that give me joy and do things I am enthusiastic about, such as writing. Sometimes I go back to old habits; focus on the wrong things in my life, I can’t get excited or I just don’t to have time to do things that bring me pleasure. At the moment, it feels like I have the greatest challenges with the solar plexus chakra, or at least that’s what I need to focus on right now.
Do you have any tips for treating the solar plexus chakra?