Throat chakra

The throat chakra is responsible for communication, self-expression, honesty, reliability and serenity. Your own voice springs from it. Throat chakra, as the name implies, is located in the neck and develops at the age of 7 to 12 years. Its areas of influence in the body are throat, respiratory system, teeth, vocal cords and thyroid gland.

You can find a chakra table in my previous post. It describes basic information of all 7 chakras: Chakrat – Finding My Own Power – Oman voimani löytäminen


When the throat chakra is in balance you are able to communicate well, you are expressive, reliable, calm and honest. You can express the energy of other chakras throught the throat chakra. With a balanced throat chakra, you can express your needs and feelings. It helps you to create a deep connection with yourself and others. You will be able to express your own truth and creativity. In other words, you can bring your inside out. For the throat chakra to be fully balanced, the lower chakras must also be balanced.


When the throat chakra is blocked, you have difficulty expressing yourself and you are not a good listener. You can be secretive, quiet, shy and have mood swings.


When the throat chakra is overactive, you can be loud, critical, gossiping, interrupting, and harsh. You can be unnecessarily strong in your opinions.


Quiet meditation and silence in general are good for the throat chakra. Letting go of negative thoughts and assumptions, and forgiving oneself and others helps too. Practicing positive communication is helpful; pay attention to how you communicate with others and how you could make these situations more positive on your part. Examine your own inner self and be honest with yourself. Find out what things and situations have caused the throat chakra imbalance. Writing is a great way to heal your throat chakra so write f.ex. diary, letters to to yourself etc.


You can try the following meditations to treat your heart chakra:

In finnish:

In english:


You can heal your throat chakra (and others) by writing. Try writing a diary or a journal. If writing a diary doesn't seem like your thing, you can write letters to yourself or others (you don't have to show / send these to the person you wrote to). Keep a gratitude diary, a record at the end of each day of the thing / things you were grateful for during the day. Write your own life story, there are a lot of books that will help in this task. Or how about writing a blog.


I have lived someone else’s truth most of my life. At some point in my life, I started to be afraid of conflicts and to be ashamed to show my own feelings. I also lived in delusion that I had good self-esteem. These are some of the reasons I became a follower, someone who wanted to always please others. I didn’t dare say my own opinions, even to myself, so I always agreed with others. Situations where two people disagreed with each other were particularly difficult because I couldn’t please both by agreeing with both. Of course I still have challenges with this, but I’m starting to find my own truth and am learning to bring it out as well. Sometimes with better success, sometimes not so good. But that is what life is all about, forever learning and developing yourself.

A big part of healing my throat chakra, is writing this blog. In here, I can practice telling my own truth, practice using my own voice. Writing has become an important part of my life. I’ve started a few writing courses this fall and might have a few other writing projects going on too. Writing has opened up a whole new wonderful world for me, sometimes I find it annoying that I hadn’t found this earlier in my life, but on the other hand, I wouldn’t have been ready before. I strongly believe that everything has its time and everything has a purpose. Now it is my time to write.  

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