Chakra tests

There are a lot of chakra tests on the internet, especially in english. In finnish I managed to find only a few:

A small test: (fi)

You can take this test quite quickly, there are 14 questions, everyone has two options (mostly yes/no). The result of the test, at least for me was the information that one of my chakras is unbalanced. There is also a short description of the unbalanced chakra, what it affects and how you can heal it.

More comprehensive test (in finnish) can be found on: Chakra-ja ihotesti ( This however includes also a skin test, that you have to also take. The test gives the result in table form and highlights your most balanced and unbalanced chakras. It also gives you further details on these chakras and tips how to heal them.

The most comprehensive and easiest (no ads, simple site) test I have found can be found from this site:

There are a lot of questions that ou answer on a scale from ”not at all” to ”definitely”. This test gives you the results in percentage from -100% to +100%. You also get further information on chakras from this site and you can get the result sent to you by email.

How have my results changes in four years?

I have done the above mentioned test in eclectic energies-site for the first time about four years ago. Because I had sent the results to my email, it was easy to see how my results have changed during this time.

My results from 2018:

My results from 2021:

It’s nice to see the changes that have happened over the years, according to the test. In 2018, all my chakras were under-active. The most unbalanced chakra was the navel / solar plexus -chakra. It is still under-active according to the test, but at a much lower percentage. I have of course noticed the changes myself and have had people close to me notice that too. But I have always liked all kinds of tests, and somehow it just warms the heart to see that the test agrees with me.

During these years, I have had a couple of years of therapy, done a lot of meditations, studied various ways of self-improvement, self-development (such as the life traps and chakras), practiced yoga, given myself some me-time.

It is good to keep in mind that the tests are only suggestive. And the results can vary depending on the day and the mood you have when you are taking them. But for me, tests have been really helpfull in finding my way. When I started learning about chakras, it seemed such a strange and large concept at first that doing these tests gave me some ideas on where to start. And thus the journey to getting to know myself better and to opening my chakras begun.

Olisi kiva kuulla sinun kokemuksistasi chakratestien parissa, oletko esimerkiksi löytänyt jonkun hyvän testin mitä voisit suositella?

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