Category: Life traps

Olin viime lokakuussa ”Naisen oma voima, rohkeus ja kukoistus” -retriitillä Iitissä, Radalla Resortissa. Viikonloppu koostui erilaisista meditaatioista, valmennusharjoituksista, hoitokanavoinneista ja manifestoinneista.

As the year changes, thoughts easily revolve around the past and the future. What has this year taught me and what I hope for next year. This year I have been through huge internal changes. I've made a journey to my inner self. I have learned to know myself better. Learned to love myself. Discovered whole new dimensions in my life. [...]

The heart chakra is the center of love, compassion and peace, feelings originate from the heart chakra. The heart chakra is the center of the entire chakra system because it connects the lower and upper chakras.

Chakras are energy centers located on our body and some outside of it. Energy (prana) flows through these centers via energy paths (nadi). Chakras and energy paths aren’t actual body parts, but they are located on the same positions as nervous plexuses. [...]

I started learning about life traps in a book “Tunne lukkosi” (free translation: Know your life traps” by Kimmo Takanen. Life traps are unavoidable, we all have them. A life trap is a learned habit to react, experience, feel, think and behave. Because of them, we act unconsciously, often by customs we learned in childhood. [...]