Category: Finding yourself

Olin viime lokakuussa ”Naisen oma voima, rohkeus ja kukoistus” -retriitillä Iitissä, Radalla Resortissa. Viikonloppu koostui erilaisista meditaatioista, valmennusharjoituksista, hoitokanavoinneista ja manifestoinneista.

A dream map is a way to express your own dreams to yourself. Sometimes you can forget to dream in your everyday life. You forget to think about what you really want from your life.

As the year changes, thoughts easily revolve around the past and the future. What has this year taught me and what I hope for next year. This year I have been through huge internal changes. I've made a journey to my inner self. I have learned to know myself better. Learned to love myself. Discovered whole new dimensions in my life. [...]

The throat chakra is responsible for communication, self-expression, honesty, reliability and serenity. Your own voice springs from it.

The heart chakra is the center of love, compassion and peace, feelings originate from the heart chakra. The heart chakra is the center of the entire chakra system because it connects the lower and upper chakras.

The solar plexus is your power center. When it is balanced, you are in your own power, you know what you want and actively reach out for it. You are energetic, eager and get things done.

When your sacral chakra is in balance, you will be able to enjoy your life to the fullest. You know how to handle your emotions and your relationships are balanced. Creativity in its various forms will bring you more energy and pleasure into your life.

When your root chakra is balanced, you have good grounding to your life. You feel good in your own body and feel connected to other people and nature.

There are a lot of chakra tests on the internet, especially in english. In finnish I managed to find only a few: A small test: (fi) You can take this test quite quickly, there are 14 questions, everyone has two options (mostly yes/no). The result of the test, [...]

Chakras are energy centers located on our body and some outside of it. Energy (prana) flows through these centers via energy paths (nadi). Chakras and energy paths aren’t actual body parts, but they are located on the same positions as nervous plexuses. [...]